North Carolina’s interior was spared the harsh realities of war until the spring of 1865 when Sherman’s…
Without the presence of slavery, disunion and war would not have taken place. But did slavery's presence…
The story of the Federal cavalry during the Civil War is not only the story of the development of raw…
The Battle of Cedar Creek was the culmination of Sheridan's 1864 Valley Campaign
The Union forces posed a threat across Virginia in three fronts in the summer of 1862. The Army of the…
The Civil War Centennial had its share of controversy but did leave a positive legacy.
Biography of Union General and hero of The Little Round Top Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain.
Stuart’s Chambersburg Raid, October 9 – 12, 1862 was one of the final nails in the coffin for the military…
Lee's brilliant victory over Hooker at Chancellorsville, won at the cost of the death of Stonewall Jackson,…
The work and impact of chaplains during the Civil War.
Mary Chesnut was a diarist whose writings were never published during her lifetime, but whose “diary”…
Civil Liberties During the Civil War
The Civil War was a conflict that pitted an industrializing, free labor North against a rural, slaveholding…
In early May, 1864, Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant launched a campaign to crush General Robert E.…
Abraham Lincoln was a proponent of colonization (funding the removal of freed African Americans to Africa…
Abraham Lincoln Commander in Chief | Jefferson Davis Commander in Chief | Civil War Leaders
Command Frictions | Fog of Uncertainty | Chain of Command | Spheres of Command | Continuity of Leadership…
A communication revolution saw the movement of messages across the continent in ten days by Wagon train…
Whether the territories acquired in the Mexican-American War would be free or slave threatened the Union…
Arguably the Confederacy’s maritime efforts rank among its greatest wartime successes. Starting literally…
After a Confederate Provisional Constitution was drafted in early 1861, the Confederate Permanent Constitution…
In the wake of the US Civil War, approximately ten thousand Confederates expats left the geographic space…
Structure and Operation of the Confederate Government
Confederate nationalism gave Confederates a coherent set of ideas to explain and justify their independence.
Confederate veteran groups began forming as early as 1865. The premier Confederate veterans’ organization,…
Systems of conscription operated in the North and South
Copperheads, or Peace Democrats, opposed the Civil War because they believed it was unjustified and being…
At the time of the Civil War, cotton had become the most valuable crop of the South and comprised 59%…
The wrenching and unexpected events of the mid-nineteenth century led Jacob Dolson Cox from a tranquil…
The Battle of the Crater ended with what may have been the worst racial massacre on any Civil War battlefield.
In his time George Armstrong Custer was a national hero and one of the most popular figures in the country…
The new technology of cycloramas brought Civil War battlefields to life for 19th century audiences.
Coming Soon
More so than infantrymen, Civil War cavalrymen displayed the nineteenth-century values of glamor, adventure,…